29 October
Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation Headquarters, Conference Area, Room 2
09.00h - 09.30h Welcome & Registration
09.30h - 10.15h Opening
‘The Architecture of Need’ in Arquitectura Aqui
Arquitectura Aqui team, UÉvora & Iscte-IUL
10.15h - 10.30h Coffee Break (Main Auditorium Bar, floor 0)
10.30h - 12.30h Session 1 – The Urban Presence of Need
Chair: Ricardo C. Agarez
‘The Presence of Places for Education and Play in Stockholm, from the 1950s to 2019’
Matilde Kautsky, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm
‘Mass Housing and Collective-Use Facilities in 20th-Century Turin: An Urban History of Stratification’
Filippo De Pieri, Politecnico di Torino
Aurora Riviezzo, Politecnico di Torino
‘Recollecting the Architecture of Distribution. Maurice Cauwe and L’Urbanisme Commerciale in Belgium, 1960-1985’
Tom Broes, Ghent University
Michiel Dehaene, Ghent University
‘Building Communities Over Time: The Case of Collectivities and Churches of Two Neighbourhoods in Lisbon’
Maria Amélia Cabrita, Iscte-IUL
Teresa Marat-Mendes, Iscte-IUL
12.30h - 14.00h Lunch (Calouste Gulbenkian Staff Restaurant, floor 3)
14.00h - 16.00h Session 2 – Programmes for Need
Chair: Joana Brites
‘An Architecture for Health in Spain: The Buildings of the Health Facilities Plan in Palencia and Zamora from the 1950s to the present day’
Alba Zarza Arribas, Iscte-IUL
‘Contested Comforts: Nordic-Designed University Buildings in East Africa’
Maryia Rusak, ETH Zurich
‘When in Need, Band Together: Postmodern Housing of Small Cooperatives in Wroclaw in the 1980s and 1990s’
Adam Pacholak, University of Wrocław
‘The Benefits of a Build-to-Rent Model as Opposed to a Build-to-Sell Model: The Example of Évora’
Sónia Alves, ICS-ULisboa
16.00h - 16.15h Coffee Break (Main Auditorium Bar, floor 0)
16.15h - 18.00h Session 3 – Bureaucracies of Need
Chair: Catarina Ruivo
‘An Institutional Solution to the Needs of the State and its Citizens. Architectural Production of Austrian Ministry of Public Works in the Lands of Bohemian Crown before World War I’
Jan Galeta, Czech Academy of Sciences
‘Building Corporative Empires: A Trans-Imperial Genealogy of Recreational and Social Centres across Portugal, Angola and Belgian Congo, 1930s-1960s’
Beatriz Serrazina, Iscte-IUL
‘The Socialist-Era Council Building of Harghita County in Miercurea-Ciuc, Romania’
Dániel Vass, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca
18.00h - 18.15h Break
18.15h - 19.15h Keynote Address
‘Anganwadis: A Spatio-Political History of Woman and Child Welfare Centres in India’
Tania Sengupta, UCLondon / The Bartlett School of Architecture
30 October
Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation Headquarters, Conference Area, Room 2
09.00h - 09.30h Welcome
09.30h - 10.30h Keynote Address
'Building Stories: On Ficto-historicism in the Architectural Humanities'
Janina Gosseye, TU Delft
10.30h - 10.45h Coffee Break (Main Auditorium Bar, floor 0)
10.45h - 12.30h Session 4 – Answering Need Over Time
Chair: Ana M. Pascoal
‘“To Build a School”: L’Association pour l’Environnement Pédagogique and the Experimental School of L’Établette in Brittany, France, 1960s-1980s’
Johanna Sluiter, University of Bern
‘Building Schools, Equipping Territories. An Urbanization-Oriented Perspective on the Italian Educational Infrastructure in the XXth Century’
Cristina Renzoni, Politecnico di Milano
‘Density and Community-Building. Collective-Use Facilities Under Transformation in the Housing Complex Autobahnüberbauung Schlangenbader Straße in Berlin, Germany (1982-2024)’
Karlis Ratnieks, Estonian Academy of Arts
12.30h - 14.00h Lunch (Calouste Gulbenkian Staff Restaurant, floor 3)
14.00h - 16.00h Session 5 – Building Types for Need
Chair: Ana Rosado
‘Kruisgebouwen: Nurses and Community Care Centres in the Netherlands, 1940-1960’
Jess Chang, TU Delft
Amy Thomas, TU Delft
‘The Architecture of Cerebral Palsy Rehabilitation Centres by Cândido Palma de Melo: Beja, Coimbra, and Faro, 1970-2000’
Francisco Alves, Universidade de Coimbra
‘Collective-Use Care Facilities for Older People in Spain: From Asylum-like to Person-Centred Models in the Region of Aragon’
Irene González-Fernández, University of Zaragoza
Lucía C. Pérez-Moreno, University of Zaragoza
‘Architecture for the Ages: Building Community Through Social Infrastructure. The Case of Mexilhoeira Grande in the Last Quarter of the 20th Century’
Leandro Arez, Iscte-IUL
16.00h - 16.15h Coffee Break (Main Auditorium Bar, floor 0)
16.15h - 18.00h Session 6 – Subjects of Need
Chair: Tânia Rodrigues
‘Stonemasons Cooperative of Porto / SCPOPP – Collective Uses of the Iconic Architectural Settlement in Portugal (1937-2024)’
Inês Moreira, ESAP
Kadu Tomita, ESAP
‘Collective Life, Collective Memory. Children’s Institutions in Twentieth Century Switzerland’
Maria Kouvari, ETH Zurich
‘The Call of Architects to Beja in the 1960s: an Approach to the Municipal Market by Alberto Cruz’
Joana Nunes, Universidade de Évora / Iscte-IUL
Francisco Freitas, Iscte-IUL
18.00h - 18.15h Break
18.15h - 19.00h Closing
31 October
Évora Study Tour
09.00h - 10.30h Lisbon - Évora (by coach)
10.30h - 12.15h Tour of Malagueira Housing Scheme (Arch. Siza Vieira, 1977-…) and other public-funded housing ensembles, Évora
12.30h - 14.00h Lunch (location TBC)
14.00h - 15.30h Collective-use buildings in and around the centre, Évora
15.30h - 17.00h Valverde chapel (16th-C) and University campus buildings
(Arch. Manuel Taínha and Vítor Figueiredo, 1960s-1990s),
Mitra (Évora)​
17.00h - 18.30h Évora- Lisbon (by coach)​​